Posts tagged with "impact"

No end in sight for the AI hype
Artificial Intelligence · 18. November 2023
Abstract by courtesy of Perplexity: "The blog article 'No End in Sight for AI Hype' discusses the ongoing hype around artificial intelligence (AI) and the potential impact on various aspects of life. The article also touches on the broad use of the term AI and the need for a human-centered approach to innovation in this field. The author provides insights into the current state of AI hype, including professionals' perceptions and analysts' forecasts" #ai #humancentric #earlyadopter

Want your business events to create impact?
Dramaturgy · 13. October 2023
The term dramaturgy comes from the world of theater. But it's a way of thinking that can help you create better business meetings. This post explores what it takes and how to avoid common pitfalls. Explore core aspects and how to apply this approach. #dramaturgy #eventdesign #purpose